rad moms club.

Welcome to the Rad Moms Club: Where the membership is free, and the apparel is rad. What is a Rad Mom, you ask?

It’s simply regular moms doing rad things.

Did you get your kid to school just as the final bell was ringing? Rad! Are you racing between drop off, office, pick up + sports? RAD! Do you find yourself exhausted at the end of the day because of all you’ve accomplished, wearing multiple hats + being everything for everyone? … You’re EXTREMELY rad. And you’re our kinda mama.

So grab some gear + find community here among other regular moms .. doing rad things.

Regular mom, doing RAD things:

Please meet our Rad Mom of the Month, Kristen Fennig:

I am an entrepreneur and mom of three children, all named after presidents! I would be humbled and honored to be EVER called a Rad Mom!! Right now my children are ages 6, 9 and 11 years old. I love being a stay at home mom but I also struggle to balance the part of me that LOVES to work and create business for myself. When we first became parents, I knew from many of the books that we had read that I did not want our world to revolve around our children. I wanted instead our family unit to be of the upmost importance, apart from our faith in Jesus. I wanted to still play beach volleyball (infant in tow), hang out with our friends (when they gave us more than a 30 minute notice ha!). I didn't want our life to stop as newlyweds; we just wanted to add a bundle of joy to what we had already created. I believe that flexible children are created, and they benefit from that flexibility as they grow!! 

 When we moved cross country with 2 small children from California to plant a church in Charlotte, NC; I gave up my intern practice and 1800 hours being a marriage and family therapist. I wasn't finding a good balance with mom life when we first moved to be able to get back into that so I had to surrender that and let go of that career. They were worth it, we were able to explore NC but I was definitely feeling a little lost moving so far from our community. We bought a house 8 months after moving to NC and that is when I discovered furniture flipping! I started using nap times, and then preschool hours to find salvaged furniture and turn a profit on it with painting. I LOVED IT! Our church started up around the same time and the Lord surrounded us with great community. Fast forward 7 years and I have learned a ton, I am now a full time mom and full time content creator, usually wrapping up work when the kids get off the bus!

I have had those days where all I looked forward to was naptime and bedtime. I did not thrive during certain seasons and certain ages, and that's okay if you aren't either!! On those hard days I phoned a friend, put a movie on, or I got the kids out of the house on an "adventure" and made the best of it. Or I made mac & cheese and hot dogs again for dinner because the witching hour was too much. There are hard days, and those that say that "enjoy those times because they go by so fast"..... boooo!!! They forget how hard those days of tantrums and tears were. But it doesn't last! Those are only seasons and certain seasons you will absolutely THRIVE as a mom. I would say one of the ways I have felt like I have thrived as a mom is understanding and accepting that not ever age is going to be your "thriving" age. Some parents are baby lovers, some love the pregnancy season, some love the teenage years and/or the awkward preteen ones! Whatever age you feel like you thrive in - embrace it and just endure and lean on the Lord for the rest! I am absolutely in my thriving years right now because we have no babies, everyone is self sufficient, can wipe their butts, feed themselves and can even clean up after themsevles. BUT! They also still love me and their dad and want to be around us (sometimes too much). Vacations feel like actual vacations now!! It won't always be like this, but I am soaking it up and asking time to stand still. For the next season - I will trust that God will give me what I need when that time comes!! 

If you want to connect you can find me (never taking myself seriously) on 

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@thebrokenmasterpiece

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheBrokenMasterpiecebykristen/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebrokenmasterpiece/

